Airplane passengers warned against viral packing hack as security cracks down

Kawter Abed
Viral TikTok packing hack goes wrong

Airplane passengers have been warned against attempting a viral packing hack after a man was stopped at the airport for trying it out.

As part of a viral packing hack on TikTok, travelers have been recording themselves stuffing clothing items into a pillowcase, zipping it up, and hiding the contents. They then present it as a regular pillow when passing through security to avoid extra baggage fees.

However, a man was recently stopped at Orlando International Airport in Florida for trying out this pillowcase method. He was allegedly halted by airport security at the gate with authorities called in.

A video of the incident was shared on TikTok, with the poster Natasha warning other holidaymakers: “Stop letting social media give you tips and tricks because sometimes it’s not gonna work.

“This dude was trying to take in a pillowcase full of clothing and other items which he is stating was simply just a pillowcase and the dude was like bro, everybody can see it’s not a freaking pillow.

After airport staff gave the passenger a chance to pay to check his items, he waited “all the way up until they closed the doors” to do so. The content creator said he then tried to force himself onto the plane, “and they were like, ‘bro, back away, we gave you your chance, and you didn’t pay for it.'”

Natasha added that they eventually had to call the police on the man, who was then escorted out. “So, stop listening to the internet,” she concluded.

The video has gone viral with over 1.4 million views, with many people expressing their thoughts in the comments. “The airport is the one place I’m making sure I’m a model citizen. Are ppl not afraid of felonies and the no-fly list? “one user questioned.

“I’ll fight anyone anywhere anytime but never the airport. Getting on the ‘no fly list’ is worse than a bad credit score,” another added. “I’m an airport employee and when I saw that original video I’m like lol that will never work… happy to see it come to fruition,” a third noted.

This is just the latest travel hack to come under fire, after flight experts warned against a viral napping technique on planes that could lead to a concussion.