Viewers mindblown after man reveals why we board planes on left-hand side

Kawter Abed
Man reveals why we board planes on left-hand side

A TikToker has left viewers mindblown after explaining the simple reason why we always board planes on the left-hand side.

Content creator Dougie (dougiesharpe), who is known for sharing random facts on TikTok, recently took to the app to explain the historical reason for passengers boarding on the left side of the plane.

“The reason why we always load and unload planes from the left-hand side is a holdover from when humanity moved on boats,” he began. “Since ancient times, the left-hand side of the boat was always the side people would load and unload cargo and passengers from.

“This made things simple logistically and would allow ships to travel all over the world from port to port and always have the correct equipment on the correct side no matter where they went.”

He said that this also made building ports easier, because “everyone agreed” the left-hand side was where things were loaded and unloaded from.

“This is why when you’re on a boat, they call the left-hand side of the boat ‘port side’ and the right-hand side of the boat ‘starboard,'” Dougie revealed.

The TikToker concluded: “As humanity changed from boats to airplanes, engineers just held the concept over and designed every airport and airplane so that passengers always load and unload the plane from the left-hand side.”

Dougie’s video has since gone viral with over 385,000 views, with many viewers expressing their surprise at this revelation. “How did I never realize that port as in the direction was the same as port as in a dock,” one user commented.

“So that’s why it’s called port side. That’s actually crazy,” another wrote. “Holy camoley I have always wondered where starboard and port side came from,” a third added. “Air-port. That makes so much sense!” someone else shared.