Walgreens customer embarrassed after being ‘outed’ for their candy craving

Meera Jacka
Candy in "jail" with Juliet's reaction to the loud speaker announcement

A Walgreens customer had her “sweet treat needs” exposed after being forced to ask for assistance due to all candy having been locked up.

Juliet, who goes by ‘avgpickleball_gal‘ on TikTok, was visiting the pharmacy store chain when she decided to fill her sugar cravings with a “sweet treat”.

However, to Juliet’s surprise, she discovered that the Walgreens store had placed “sweet treats literally in jail.” Locked behind hard plastic, the candy aisle required a key for any of its contents to be accessed.

Requesting assistance from staff to fulfill her craving by pressing the supplied button, Juliet filmed her mortified reaction as an announcement was made over the speakers.

“Customer service needed in the candy department,” the announcement sounded. This left Juliet questioning, “Why can’t they just say ‘help on [aisle] 10’?”

Viewers were left equally shocked by the “tragic” situation, with one person claiming the pharmacy had “gone too far” and “must be stopped.”

“This would make me have a breakdown,” another user wrote, as Juliet responded and assured them that she did. When asked if staff had also delivered her candy to the register, Juliet said, “They may as well. Outting my sweet treat needs.”

Some claimed the new procedure would be beneficial for weight loss as “this might be the only way to prevent me from getting a sweet treat.”

One user even pointed out that requesting for assistance over the loudspeaker might be so offputting that it could potentially lose the company more business; “The funny thing is, this is just losing those companies MORE money than they’d lose to occasional theft. [Because] I don’t need it that bad and won’t buy it now.”

This isn’t the first time a shopper has been left feeling ‘degraded’ over their purchase, with a CVS customer having previously been forced to ask for assistance thanks to a lock on the fridge where ice cream was stored.