What does septum arms mean on TikTok? Users turn phrase into body positivity

Alice Sjöberg
TikTok users making videos about septum arms

‘Septum arms’ is the latest slang term that has come from TikTok. But what started as nonsense has led to users being confused or even insecure about their bodies.

There has been a whole range of viral trends and communities that have emerged from TikTok, including numerous different slang terms that are often used in videos and comments.

Recently, TikTokers have become obsessed with the concept of ‘septum arms’ which has left people confused, as it appears to have become a new source of body insecurity.

What does ‘septum arms’ mean?

Technically, the term septum arms is a nonsense phrase. The septum is the tissue between your nostrils, and your arms are your arms.

Despite this, TikTok users seem determined to give the phrase a meaning after it started trending on the platform. But users can’t seem to agree on what it should mean.

It all started from a misunderstanding on a TikTok video about a woman’s arms where someone made a crude comment. In the comments under that video, there was a discussion of both septums and arms, and the two terms were combined by some users.

Then, people took the term and ran with it, making their own videos where they use the term “septum arms” like it has actual meaning.

Some people are suggesting that it means that the person’s arms are larger above the elbow than below. However, other users claim that it’s the squish that comes from the arm when you lie down, while some simply define it as “chubby arms.”

Another meaning also suggests that ‘septum arms’ is connected to discussions of self-harm.

Alas, not everyone is accepting of ‘septum arms’ becoming a thing. One person commented on a video about septum arms and said: “Septum arms aren’t real it started as a joke to make fun of a guy who really hates septum piercings idek how it left his comment section.”

TikTok user tammy.pdf made her own video when coming across the term, and accused people of “making up new insecurities for fun.”

TikTokers turn ‘septum arms’ into body positivity movement

Given that there are a significant number of TikTokers deciding that the ‘septum arms’ trend means bigger arms, a lot of TikTokers have decided to claim the term for themselves and spread positivity to their followers and FYPs.

TikToker themeganrhiann did a fit check on her TikTok account and said in the overlay of her video: “After finding out what ‘septum arms’ are I am no longer wearing this jacket today” as she shows off her pink maxi dress.

Her white jacket is pulled down past her elbows as she poses for the camera and puts on sunglasses.

This is not the only term that has gone viral on TikTok recently. Users are also talking about an alleged “timeline shift” that happened in July which has left several people confused.