Adam Driver is ‘haunted’ by iconic Star Wars scene “every day”

Kayla Harrington
Adam Driver Kylo Ren

Adam Driver, one of leads of the latest Star Wars trilogy, recalls the one iconic scene he’s constantly reminded about.

When it comes to the Star Wars franchise, there’s a ton of iconic scenes from Luke Skywalker’s fight with Darth Vader to Yoda lifting the X-wing out of the water.

And the memorable scenes didn’t stop as the franchise created a new trilogy in 2015 with the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

One of the most memorable scenes undoubtedly came from Adam Driver, who played the trilogy’s bad guy Kylo Ren. And during a recent interview, Driver recalled his most iconic Star Wars scene that people can’t stop reminding him about.

Driver can’t escape his greatest Star Wars misdeed

Driver recently appeared on Max’s Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace where the host was quick to ask Driver about his time in the iconic franchise.

The actor then reminisced on the fact that his most iconic scene — killing Han Solo — has haunted him since it occurred in The Force Awakens, which was quite the gut-punch to fans as Driver played Han and Princess Leia’s son.

“Somebody reminds me about that every day,” Driver said, “[I mean maybe] not every day, but yeah. It used to be more but now it’s probably once a month somewhere.”

Han’s death was one of the biggest turning points in the new trilogy as Kylo used the murder to solidify his commitment to the dark side and serve as a Sith initiation ritual.

This event not only served as Kylo’s final turn to the dark side, but also killed one of the three original characters from the Star Wars universe.

For all the latest Star Wars content, be sure to check out Dexerto’s full coverage here.

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About The Author

Kayla is a TV and Movies Writer at Dexerto. She's huge fan of Marvel (especially if Wanda Maximoff is involved), shows that make you laugh then cry, and any cooking show found on the Food Network. Before Dexerto, she wrote for Mashable, BuzzFeed, and The Mary Sue. You can contact her at