Are Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead in Deadpool 3?

Chris Tilly
Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus flanking Deadpool.

Deadpool 3 – aka Deadpool & Wolverine – is about to hit screens worldwide, so here’s the latest news on whether fan-favorites Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead are in the superhero sequel.

Throughout Deadpool & Wolverine‘s extended production, there have been rumors about which stars would cameo, which characters would return, and how they’d fit into the Marvel and Avengers chronology.

There’s been much speculation around Lady Deadpool, talk of a Spider-Man appearance, and even confirmation of an It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia cameo.

There have also been question marks over two superheroes who appeared in the first two Deadpool movies, so here’s details on whether Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead are in Deadpool 3.

Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead are back

Both Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead return in Deadpool & Wolverine.

Stefan Kapicic reprising his role as Colossus was announced in the trades back in April 2023, so we’ve known about his involvement for more than a year. And where Colossus goes, so surely does Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

That was confirmed later in 2023, while NTW actress Brianna Hildebrand was at the Deadpool 3 premiere on July 22, where she spoke about swearing on the set of what’s now a Disney franchise.

“I was very self-conscious on set for some reason,” Hildebrand told The Hollywood Reporter (in the above video). “I was like ‘OK, I don’t know what I can and can’t say.’ Which is funny because Ryan [Reynolds] was just being himself, and it’s not that big of a deal I don’t think.”

What did they do in the first two movies?

Mid-way through the first Deadpool, Colossus and his trainee Negasonic Teenage Warhead interrupt the titular character when he’s mid-fight with nemesis Ajax.

Colossus invites Deadpool to join the X-Men, but being part of a moralistic team isn’t really Wade Wilson’s style, so he turns the offer down.

The duo then team up with Deadpool for his climactic battle against Ajax and Angel Dust, with the trio ending the movie victorious.

In the sequel, Colossus rescues a suicidal Wade Wilson, and takes him to the X-Mansion, where he finally succeeds in recruiting Deadpool.

Together with Negasonic Teenage Warhead, they speed to a so-called ‘Mutant Re-education Center’ where a young mutant called Russell Collins is causing trouble. But their actions get Colossus and Deadpool arrested and locked up in a prison called the Ice Box.

The pair ultimately escape, there are some shenanigans with X-Force and enemy-turned-ally Cable, then Colossus again assists Deadpool in the climactic battle. Negasonic also repairs Cable’s time-travel device, so Wade can save the love-of-his-life, Vanessa, at the end of the movie.

Deadpool & Wolverine hits screens on July 25, when we’ll update this article with what Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead are up to in the new movie.

Before then you can check out where its predecessors chart on our list of the 50 best superhero movies. There’s also our guide to the best movies out this month, if you actually want to watch anything else. Otherwise, dive into all the Deadpool 3 cameos we know so far.