Dexter: Original Sin Episode 3 recap – LaGuerta makes an entrance in Miami Metro

In Dexter: Original Sin Episode 3, “Miami Vice,” a familiar face joins the force, while Dexter tries to get back some crucial pieces of evidence. (Warning: major spoilers ahead!)
Original Sin Episode 2 gave Dexter a brand-new victim: Tony Ferrer. The budding serial killer was thrilled to find a potential new kill, and one that fell within the parameters of his father’s code, too.
But, Miami Metro was still unable to find the kidnapper of Judge Powell’s son, who’s still alive and frightened. Meanwhile, Deb was struggling to find her place within her family.
Episode 3 see the addition of powerhouse Maria LaGuerta, and sets Dexter on a new mission to track down Ferrer and bring him to justice. (Well, Dexter’s version of justice, anyway.)
LaGuerta joins Miami Metro in Dexter: Original Sin Episode 3
Episode 3 opens on a press conference with Captain Spencer, appealing for justice for the kidnapping of Judge Powell’s son. Dexter’s out for blood, hoping to avenge the child himself. The judge has a history of tough rulings with the cartel, so it’s expected that they will be to blame.

At school, Deb’s trying to ensure she gets voted as Captain on the volleyball team. To help her reputation, she decides to throw a party to win the rest of the team’s affections, promising that she’ll be able to get hold of some drugs for the festivities.
Back at the station, a new face arrives: Detective Maria LaGuerta (Christina Milian). Her first day is somewhat soured thanks to Spencer’s reluctance for her to be there, all because she slammed the department in an article. Because their number of solved cases are at an all-time low, she’s been sent to clean up the mess.
Dexter investigates a killer
Dexter quickly gets to work stalking Tony Ferrer, plotting his next kill. He breaks into Ferrer’s home, finding a notebook full of names of those he’s lent money to.
Dexter cross-checks those names with the Miami Met database, learns that most of these people are also dead, murdered in a variety of gruesome ways. He then asks Masuka for a fake ID under the name ‘Patrick Bateman’ (American Psycho is Dexter’s favorite book).

That evening, Dexter is making dinner when Deb and her friend Sofia come home. Sofia makes an attempt to flirt with Dexter, but he panics when he spots her wearing Nurse Mary’s earrings (the ones Deb ditched when she found out they were worthless). Dexter pleads for Deb to get them back, however she strikes him a deal: if he can get her some cocaine for the weekend, she’ll get them back.
Dexter soon tells Harry about what’s going on, leaving him horrified that his son would leave evidence around the house in the first place. Harry calls him “sick” when he realizes Dexter likes to keep trophies – one of the traits of a serious serial killer.
Dexter meets Tony
Back in the past, Harry helps Laura get to work as an informant for the police. She helps them get evidence against the cartel in exchange for keeping her out of jail.
Back in the present, Dexter goes and finds Ferrer at a jai alai match. He strikes up a conversation, pretending he needs to borrow money for a job interview. Ferrer gives him $500, laying out his strict terms for collection.

When Deb presses Dexter on why he wants the earrings back so bad, he pretends he bought them for their mother years ago. She tells him that he’ll need to buy a new pair for Sofia to get his old ones back. In exchange, Dexter helps her make fake cocaine to trick her friends without actually having to buy the real deal.
At the office, Harry and LaGuerta get to know each other. He tries to tell her that she won’t get too far redoing the work they’ve already completed, but she’s determined to make some progress.
At a bar, Ferrer meets Dexter to collect his money. Dexter fake pleads for his life, narrowly missing a warning shot by Ferrer. When Ferrer is gone, Dexter collects the bullet for examination, where he learn the bullet matches one from the old Rene case.
Later, Dexter tells Harry everything. With the new proof of Ferrer’s crimes, it means the code is satisfied and Dexter can kill him without guilt. However, Harry is still hesitant, and tells Dexter that from now on, everything has to be run past him first.
A violent second kill for Dexter
In one of Harry’s flashbacks, Laura gets taken away in a car while Harry follows in pursuit. He can hear them searching for her wire, and they soon lose the car in a shipping yard.
Deb gets everything ready for her party, leaving Sofia alone with Dexter. He gives her the new earrings he bought, taking back Nurse Mary’s old ones. After the guests arrive he leaves, only to be caught by Sofia on the way out. She kisses him, catching him off guard. It’s not enough to make him stay, however, as he has a big job to get to.

LaGuerta finds a hit in the case when she tracks down a witness who can give them a car description. In the past, Harry is elated when Laura arrives at their meeting spot, safe and sound.
Ferrer arrives at his house that night, only to be attacked by Dexter once he gets inside. But he puts up a fight, and the struggle is more than Dexter anticipated. He soon gets holds of him, rendering Ferrer unconscious and tying him up.
When Ferrer wakes up, he’s tied to a board in the jai alai arena. He launches balls at Ferrer to intimidate him, and although he tries to talk himself out of his predicament, Dexter hits him in the face with a fastball. Not long after, he slashes him open, finally satisfying his bloodlust yet again.
He dumps Ferrer’s body in the swamp. However, after he walks away, Ferrer’s arm floats up and out of the water.
For more, take a look at our recap for Dexter: Original Sin Episode 1. You can also find out when the new episode is out, and check out the best TV shows of 2024 so far.