Georgie & Mandy Episode 6 proves Georgie will never cheat and that makes what’s coming even sadder
CBSGeorgie and Mandy’s divorce has been on the cards ever since we met Sheldon’s older brother in The Big Bang Theory. Thanks to Episode 6 of the spinoff, we finally know how that happens.
Let’s rewind for a second. The first time we meet Georgie is in Season 11 of The Big Bang Theory, where he’s become “Dr. Tire.” Not only has he not spoken to Sheldon in 10 years, but he’s also a single man.
By the end of TBBT, we learn Georgie doesn’t just have one ex-wife but two – and a string of past girlfriends. When Young Sheldon Season 5 rolled around, Mandy was set up as his first wife, marrying in Season 7. While we know a lot about Georgie’s crushes at school, there’s a lot left unsaid about his adult years.
That’s why the name Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage was so surprising to fans – in a subtle way, it indicates they remarry later in their lives. We don’t know if there’s truth to this, but the young couple will definitely divorce… and Episode 6 of the new TV show just proved how.
Georgie & Mandy’s eventual split will be caused by a change of heart
In Episode 6 of Georgie & Mandy, Georgie is accosted by an attractive churchgoer at bible study, kissing him on the lips. He pushes away, which proves the one thing we’ve known this whole time – Georgie would never cheat on Mandy.
Much like his dad George, they remain faithful to the wives they love, even if things get misconstrued along the way (we all remember *the affair* that never actually existed). This also suggests that when Georgie & Mandy get divorced, it will be because they’ve fallen out of love.
Life happens and feelings change. Whenever the time arrives, Georgie and Mandy might have drifted apart or got into an emotional row that changes how they feel about each other indefinitely. Anything else can now be ruled out – even past loves like Veronica Duncan couldn’t turn Georgie’s head as a married man.
The two are happily in love a few months on from Young Sheldon, but knowing there’s heartbreak in the future is all the more crushing for us as fans. Deep down, Mandy and Georgie just want to be loved, and it currently feels as though they’ve got their happy ending.
This all stings even more when you take the show’s context into consideration. Mary is struggling with life without George – she even admits to Georgie she wishes she could argue with him over trivial things one more time.
Audrey and Jim aren’t exactly a glowing picture, either. Mandy’s mom remains determined to see the back of Georgie in one way or another, harboring a grudge that he ruined their daughter’s life. While their marriage can also be frosty at points, Georgie and Mandy don’t exactly have an inspiring relationship to look up to anymore.
If the Young Sheldonverse can do anything well, it’s an emotional moment that leaves us in tears (just take George’s funeral). Of course the creators are going to rip our hearts out when it comes to Georgie and Mandy’s divorce.
We’re unlikely to see the building blocks for this any time soon – nor will we find out the truth about his second wife – but now we know the cause, Georgie’s future has become a lot more demoralizing.
Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Episode 6 is available to stream now. Catch up with our Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, and Episode 5 recaps before you watch.