Georgie & Mandy Episode 8 had the perfect Young Sheldon Easter egg you definitely missed
CBS‘Diet Crap’ brought us our first firey argument on Georgie & Mandy, but during the ruckus an unexpected Young Sheldon Easter egg emerged.
Essentially, Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Episode 8 did exactly what it said on the tin. Frustrated with her professional life, Mandy took on a side hustle selling diet supplements. When Georgie muscled in to help make sales, the two came to blows.
Georgie turned to self-help books supplied by none other than Young Sheldon librarian Ms. Hutchins, while Mandy found a core client base at the doctor’s surgery.
The two kissed and made up, but there were more links to the main series than meets the eye (and no, we’re not talking about the news George is returning).
Georgie & Mandy replicated Young Sheldon’s communist drama perfectly
If Mandy sat outside the grocery store with her diet supplements reminded you of something, cast your mind back to Young Sheldon Season 2. Episode 16, titled ‘A Loaf of Bread and a Grand Old Flag,’ followed a similar storyline.
When Sheldon believes the recipe for his favorite store-bought bread changes, he’s determined to get answers. The customer service at the company dismisses his complaints with a prepared PR statement, and so Sheldon takes to the streets. He sets up shop outside the local grocery store to try and get passersby to sign his petition… and who does this remind us of?
Almost frame for frame, Georgie & Mandy recreates this scene identically. Sheldon and Mandy share the same exasperation for their cause and have a family member nearby for support (Georgie in Mandy’s case and Meemaw in Sheldon’s).
While Georgie and Mandy had their spat, something much worse happened for Sheldon. When a local news crew gets wind of what he’s doing, Sheldon tells them communist principles would make the situation better – making the whole of Medford believe the Coopers are communists.
While Meemaw twirls American flags on the lawn, George has to accompany Sheldon to the studio to apologize on air. In hindsight, a small argument with your husband is the much better outcome.
Check out our Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage review and our recap of Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, and Episode 7.