House of the Dragon: Does Criston Cole die?

Jessica Cullen
Fabien Frankel as Criston Cole in House of the Dragon

With Criston Cole receiving nothing but hate from House of the Dragon Season 2 viewers, everyone’s asking the same question: does he die?

House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones fans are often torn between wanting characters to live or die. For those who are loved, it’s often feared that they’ll meet a gruesome death. But as for those who attract the wrath of hardcore TV show and book lovers – like Ser Criston Cole – fans want to see them burn.

So far, House of the Dragon Season 2 has seen Cole serving as Alicent’s plaything, scheming with Aemond, and enacting some of the most useless assassination plots known to man. House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 2 just gives viewers more reason to hate him, and they all want to know if and when he’ll die.

So, are fans going to be put out of their misery? Is Criston Cole going to meet the end he most likely deserves? Here’s what you need to know. Warning: major spoilers ahead.

Does Criston Cole die?

Yes – Criston Cole dies in the books during the Butcher’s Ball, where hes shot with arrows.

He’s not dead in the show (yet), but this particular battle is due to come. Excellent news for Criston haters!

The Butcher’s Ball takes place during the Dance of the Dragons, when Criston leads his forces south from Harrenhal.

Fabien Frankel as Criston Cole in House of the Dragon
Fabien Frankel plays Criston Cole in House of the Dragon

While travelling from Gods Eye to Blackwater Rush, Cole and his remaining troops are attacked by an army of blacks, led by Ser Garibald Grey, Ser Pate of Longleaf, and Roderick Dustin. Criston actually offers to yield here in exchange for the lives of his men, but is turned down.

Criston then challenges all three of the men but is killed by Robb Rivers, who orders him to be shot with three arrows. Hundreds of Criston’s men are killed in the Butcher’s Ball that follows. Later, Criston’s head is presented on a spear during the First Battle of Tumbleton.

As a final insult, Ser Pate tells Criston’s corpse that there’ll be no songs about his history, and that the deaths of thousands of people are down to him.

At this point in time, Criston’s still Hand of the King, and is replaced by Lord Cregan Stark.

So, if you’ve been hoping and praying for Criston to eventually meet his end, you’re in luck. If the show closely follows the events of Criston’s death, then it’s just a waiting game for now.

For more, check out our House of the Dragon Season 2 review. You can also keep tabs on all the House of the Dragon dragons. Or, learn more about Hugh Hammer and the Cargyll twins.