Invincible: Who is Ka Hor? Mummy explained

Cameron Frew
Ka Hor the mummy in Invincible Season 2

Ka Hor returns in the Invincible Season 2 finale, coming long after his first appearance in Season 1 — but what’s the deal with this mummy, and is he in the comics?

We won’t get into too many specifics about what goes down in Invincible Season 2 Episode 8. All you need to know is that Mark returns home to face off against Angstrom Levy and… it gets violent.

Later in the episode, Mark isn’t having a great time; he’s struggling to cope with the events of the finale, so he flies across Earth faster than ever before, breaking the sound barrier and eventually zooming through a hypersonic stargate.

However, he unwittingly carpets a mummy’s tomb in sand, trapping it and two archeologists inside. This is the second time we’ve seen Ka Hor, so here’s what you should know.

Who is Ka Hor in Invincible?

Ka Hor doesn’t appear in the Invincible comics. The mummy is a running gag exclusive to the show that illustrates how Mark’s powers have unintended effects; in the first season, Mark flew too low and prevented the resurrected mummy from escaping, and in Season 2 Episode 8, he flies above it so fast that he completely covers the tomb’s entrance, unknowingly dooming the two archeologists to death.

His first appearance in Season 1 Episode 4 baffled newcomers and longtime Invincible fans alike, as it was never referenced again. We saw an explorer finding the tomb, the mummy rising from its sarcophagus and possessing its new host — but just as he’s about to walk out, Mark causes the tomb’s door to slam down and lock him inside.

In the Season 2 finale, two women manage to enter the same tomb, and it’s revealed that one of them is the first man’s daughter. The mummy awakens once more, but pauses his spooky speech when he realizes they’re both female, as he needs a male host for his resurrection. Moments later, rubble starts to fall from the ceiling — and again, Mark’s flight path is so destructive that it causes a massive sandstorm that blankets the tomb.

However, some fans suspect there could be another reason for the mummy’s re-appearance — what if Ka Hor is the key to lifting Monster Girl’s de-aging curse? This seems a little unlikely, but with Season 3 already confirmed, only time will tell.

Invincible Seasons 1-2 are streaming on Prime Video now. You can find out more about the show’s cast and soundtrack.