Matt Walsh slammed after mocking “embarrassing” adults who take sick days

Kayla Harrington
Podcast host Matt Walsh

Right wing podcaster Matt Walsh has come under fire from his audience after he openly mocked workers who take sick leave.

While some of Walsh’s most dedicated supporters rallied around him when his documentary Am I Racist got little attention from the mainstream media, they’re currently pushing back against the podcaster for a hot take he made about workplace conduct.

During an episode of The Matt Walsh Show posted on September 17, the titular host went on a mini rant about why taking sick days as an adult is something to be ashamed of.

“I know this is unpopular, but sick days are for children. They’re for kids in school who are trying to stay home so they don’t have to take a test that day,” Walsh said. “With rare exception, taking a sick day as an adult should be pretty embarrassing for you.”

He continued, “Calling your boss and saying, ‘Sorry, I can’t come in today my tummy hurts,’ is humiliating. You need to be at work. Adults don’t have time to be sick.”

Walsh also provided several personal antidotes in which he persevered through filming his podcast despite being under the weather.

The host went so far as to he admit that, when he lost his voice due to illness, he still went into his studio and recorded an episode with subtitles.

Unfortunately for his Walsh, his hot take proved to be a little too spicy for his online audience, as many people have come forward to condemn his view.

“Yeah Matt the backbone you showed powering through that podcast serves as an example to us all..,” one fan posted on X/Twitter.

Another commented, “A guy who podcasts for a living thinks you shouldn’t use your sick days. Corporate simp.”

And a third viewer had no problem poking fun at Walsh’s position writing, “Exactly, don’t let a life-threatening illness stop you from making your boss wealthier. Who cares if you are contagious. Get in there and work!”

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