Moon Knight Season 2: Cast, plot details & more

Cameron Frew
Oscar Isaac on the Moon Knight poster

Here’s everything we know about Moon Knight Season 2, from the cast, to the plot, and more details.

Six years after starring in X-Men: Apocalypse, Oscar Isaac made his MCU debut in Moon Knight, a violent show of gods and monsters that left fans craving more from the titular hero.

Season 1 ended on a bit of a cliff-hanger, leaving the door open for more adventures with Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Layla El-Faouly, the ancient Egyptian god Khonshu, and notably, Jake Lockley.

So, here’s what we know so far about Moon Knight 2, including cast, plot details and more.

Does Moon Knight Season 2 have a release date?

Moon Knight Season 2 doesn’t have a release date, as it’s yet to be greenlit – however, it’d be sensible to expect a second season to arrive sometime in 2025.

Phase Five of the MCU is laid out completely already, so if it’s going to squeeze in anywhere, it will be one of the empty slots surrounding Fantastic Four, Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, and Secret Wars.

Is Moon Knight Season 2 happening?

Isaac has been vocal about the possibility of Season 2 – unfortunately, there’s also been some mixed messages.

In May this year, he told the Radio Times: “You know, I think we approached it as, ‘This is the story, and let’s just put everything out on the table on this story.’

“There’s definitely no official plans to continue it. I think it would depend on what the story is.”

“I love being Steven. I just love it. It’s just like, physically, it’s so much fun to be him. So, you know, if there was a story that really made sense, I’d be happy to be part of it.”

A few months later, TikTok user @hayaattiaaa posted a clip of director Mohamed Diab and Isaac. “The question on everyone’s mind: is there a Season 2?” she asks, to which Isaac says: “Why else would we be in Cairo?”

In a recent interview with Collider, Isaac addressed his past comments and clarified whether fans should expect Season 2. “We can’t definitively say that. I need my teasing abilities. Can’t drain me of those. What a cock tease I am. Always been,” he joked.

“No, I hope so. We’ll see what happens. But at the moment, there’s no official word… Moon Knight was so amazing, but also so incredibly draining. I just put every bit of myself into that.

“Every bit of output I could. That it’s just been a year of input, just taking stuff in as opposed to having to put anything out other than headphones. So at the moment, I’m going to do a play next year and then we’ll see what happens after that.”

Moon Knight Season 2 cast: Who’s in it?

If Moon Knight Season 2 happens, we can expect the following cast members to star:

  • Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Moon Knight
  • May Calamawy as Layla El-Faouly
  • F Murray Abraham as Khonshu
  • Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow

Season 1 didn’t end with the best forecast for Hawke’s villain, but there’s still scope for him to come back. “Do you want to play the same character for long periods of time? Most actors don’t. But if you’re making audiences happy, your opinion changes,” he told the Radio Times.

Calamawy also said: “I’ve not heard anything. So if there [are plans], I’m yet to hear. If there were, I would, yeah, I’d consider returning. Of course.”

Moon Knight Season 2 plot: What will it be about?

As Moon Knight Season 2 hasn’t been confirmed, there’s no official plot synopsis at the time of writing.

Season 1 ended with Arthur Harrow being taken to Sienkiewicz Psychiatric Hospital. We see him meeting Khonshu, before the god reveals Moon Knight’s third personality: Jake Lockley, who shoots Harrow, presumably killing him… but that’s not been confirmed.

Oscar Isaac in Moon Knight

The show’s head writer Jeremy Slater told Inverse: “Marc and Steven are still totally unaware of [Jake’s] existence. We don’t necessarily know, is he good? Is he evil? We know he’s working for Khonshu. We know he has some sort of arrangement. And we know he is definitely more on board with Khonshu’s worldview in terms of punishing evildoers.

“Everything is in service of the greater good. But is he going to be a friend? Is he an enemy? I think all those are really exciting questions for whoever takes up the reins. Whoever gets to tell the next Moon Knight story, whether that’s me or someone else, that is an exciting promise. This guy’s story is definitely not done.”

Layla also temporarily agreed to become Taweret’s avatar, at which point she becomes her own superhero: the Scarlet Scarab. If Season 2 comes to fruition, it’s likely she’d play a large role.

We’ll update this article upon further Moon Knight Season 2 announcements.

You can stream Moon Knight Season 1 now and sign up for Disney+ here.