Prison Break stars reunite for new series and fans are relieved

Daisy Phillipson
Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller in Prison Break

Prison Break stars Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller are returning for a new series nearly two decades after the series premiered – and fans are relieved over one significant detail. 

The actors – who played on-screen brothers Lincoln Burrows and Michael Scofield in the hit Fox series – are reuniting to take on the lead roles in Snatchback.

According to Variety, the new TV show is a hostage recovery drama, with The Shield’s Scott Rosenbaum serving as writer and executive producer.

The official logline reads, “Inspired by the life of a real covert intelligence officer who is still active in the field today, the series follows a highly skilled privately contracted team of operatives as they recover hostages across the globe from some of the most exotic, and equally dangerous locations on the planet.”

The reason a number of fans are relieved is because the series is a completely fresh concept, separate from Prison Break. 

Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller in The Flash
Miller and Purcell also starred in The Flash together

Widely considered to be one of the best TV shows in existence, Prison Break proved to be an entertaining thriller with great characters and storylines, running for four seasons between 2005 and 2009 before concluding with the movie Prison Break: The Final Break.

However, the revived Season 5 didn’t go down quite so well when it landed in 2017, feeling like a ghost of its old self that made some baffling decisions with the plot. 

But Snatchback brings the iconic actors together while offering up a fresh concept, a decision many TV lovers are in favor of. 

“I’d honestly rather have this than a new Prison Break season. The show was amazing but we just don’t need another season,” wrote one on X/Twitter. 

Another said, “Agreed, these guys are great and I feel they are frankly limited by another Prison Break series, their latest outing wasn’t the greatest.”

“Let’s hope this show doesn’t peak in the first season and drag on like Prison Break did because we all remember how that went down,” added a third. 

And a fourth chimed in, “Better than a new season of Prison Break.”

Mostly, fans are just excited to see Purcell and Miller working together again. After Prison Break, they went on to star in The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow as Mick Rory/Heat Wave and Leonard Snart/Captain Cold, respectively. 

“Dom and Wentworth reuniting is giving me life,” said one fan, while another wrote, “These dudes can team up for the rest of time.” 

A third added, “From Prison Break to Flash to Legends of Tomorrow to this! We are here for it.”

Elaborating further on Snatchback, Purcell’s wife Tish Cyrus-Purcell said, “We are absolutely thrilled to be a part of this team with such talented individuals.

“Rosenbaum has crafted an emotionally charged and high stakes world where Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller reunite, bringing to the screen the extraordinary heroes of a real-life private hostage recovery team.”

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