What is an Istar? Lord of the Rings’ Wizards explained

Cameron Frew
The Stranger in Rings of Power

Rings of Power Season 1 revealed The Stranger to be an Istar, making him one of the most powerful figures in Middle-earth – but who are the Istari, and why are they important in Lord of the Rings? Let’s get into it.

With Sauron’s hidden identity revealed (pesky Halbrand), one huge question remains: is The Stranger actually Gandalf? I think so, especially because we know he’s a Wizard.

Ever since he fell from the sky and crashed into Middle-earth, it was clear he wasn’t an ordinary man, displaying mysterious powers of telekinesis and healing (and there’s that scene where he seems to drain the life from fireflies, if only accidentally).

Season 1 Episode 8 started to unravel his true nature with an important word: Istar, which unlocks a lot of Lord of the Rings lore about Wizards. So, before Rings of Power Season 2, let me answer a few questions for you.

What does Istar mean?

Istar means “wise one” or “Wizard”, as The Stranger explains in Episode 8. It is the name given to the members of the Istari.

In the earlier finale, the Cult of Melkor mistakenly believes The Stranger is Sauron. When he fights back, at the same time regaining some of his memories, one of the witches says: “He is not Sauron, he is the other. He is the Istar.”

The Istari are more than Wizards

The Istari aren’t just staff-carrying Wizards: they’re Maiar spirits, created by the gods and sent to Middle-earth to help the Free Peoples in their fight against Sauron.

Gandalf and Saruman in Lord of the Rings

They were originally formed to protect the first Elves during the Battle of the Powers, a war fought between the Valar and forces of Melkor (better known as Morgoth) during the Years of the Trees (a long, long time ago, basically).

Of those sent by Valar, also known as the Heren Istarion, there were five: Gandalf (originally named Olórin), Saruman (Curumo), Radagast (Aiwendil), and Alatar and Pallando, better known as the Blue Wizards. The fate of the latter Istari was never detailed, while Saruman was killed after being corrupted by Sauron, Gandalf left for Valinor, and Radagast pottered around in Middle-earth.

Each of the Istari resembled old men and carried a staff in accordance with their rank.

During the Third Age, as per Tolkien’s writing, Manwë (the King of the Valar) believed Sauron was returning. So, he summoned his council and sent three Istari emissaries to Middle-earth: Saruman, Radagast, and Gandalf.

They’re said to have arrived in T.A. 1000, with the aim of helping mortal men resist Sauron.

The Stranger has to be Gandalf

While The Stranger’s name remains a secret, there’s good reason to believe he’s Gandalf (despite the canonical headache it will give Tolkien readers, as he’s not supposed to arrive until the Third Age).

The Stranger in Rings of Power an Gandalf in Lord of the Rings

Firstly, there’s The Stranger’s relationship with the Harfoots, which seems to be a natural precursor to Gandalf’s love of the Hobbits. Secondly, his powers line up with Gandalf’s in Tolkien’s writing.

Thirdly, and most importantly, this line from The Stranger: “When in doubt, always follow your nose.” If it sounds familiar, it’s because Gandalf says it to Merry in The Fellowship of the Ring.

But here’s the thing: if he isn’t Gandalf, he has to be one of the Blue Wizards sent to Middle-earth during the Second Age, which is when Rings of Power takes place. We know Season 2 will introduce a Dark Wizard, so it’s safe to expect some big revelations about the character in the coming episodes.

Make sure you know when Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 1 is coming out, and for more Lord of the Rings content, check out our guides on the three Elven rings, Rhûn, and Celeborn.