Secret Netflix code ‘unlocks’ hundreds of hidden horror movies

Cameron Frew
Ghostface in Scream and Mark Duplass in Creep 2

Stop aimlessly scrolling through Netflix: with this secret code, you can find the streaming platform’s huge selection of horror movies.

We’ve all been there: you sit down, remote in hand, and try to find something to watch on Netflix. Binge-worthy shows, action movies, superhero TV shows; the choices are seemingly endless. And, yet, it can feel impossible to choose something, and the night slips away before you’ve realized how much time you burned doing nothing.

We’re one week away from Halloween, so you probably want to rewatch and discover some of the best horror movies.

Here’s a top tip: if you use a secret code, you’ll find Netflix’s full library of horror films (free from the algorithm pushing new releases and other titles).

It’s super simple: if you type 8711 into Netflix’s search bar, you’ll be taken to a page exclusively made up of horror movies.

A screenshot of Netflix's website after using the secret horror code

We should note, it works better if you’re on a browser: all you need to do is add the code to the end of your URL, which should look like this: “”.

If you want to get more specific (maybe you want zombie movies or slasher flicks), don’t worry: there’s other codes you can use, which I’ve listed below:

B-Horror Movies8195
Creature Features6895
Cult Horror Movies10944
Deep Sea Horror Movies45028
Foreign Horror Movies8654
Horror Movies8711
Horror Comedy89585
Monster Movies947
Satanic Stories6998
Slasher & Serial Killer Movies8646
Supernatural Horror Movies42023
Teen Screams52147
Vampire Horror Movies75804
Werewolf Horror Movies75930
Zombie Horror Movies75405
TV Horror83059

The codes date back to Netflix when it rented DVDs. Its website had a “public-facing genre tree that linked out to all the various types of films and TV series, each of which has its own specific ID code,” the platform explains.

“A fan scraped the genre tree for all the codes, shared the list online, and people have been using those codes (along with the thousands more that have been added since) to this day.”

Make sure you check out all of the other secret Netflix codes, and if you’re looking for a recommendation, these are the scariest Netflix horror movies.