Star Wars actor confirms legendary villain ‘definitely f**ks’

Kayla Harrington
Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine

Ian McDiarmid, the actor who plays legendary Star Wars villain Emperor Palpatine, confirms his questionable love life.

It’s not secret that one of the most iconic villains of the Star Wars franchise is undoubtedly Emperor Palpatine, the Emperor of the Galactic Empire and the master of Darth Vader.

Throughout the original 1970s trilogy and later the prequel films, he acted as the ultimate puppet master as he used Darth Vader and the Clone army to try to take over the galaxy, though he ultimately failed and was seemingly killed by his protégée.

However, he did make a triumphant abet confusing in the finale of the modern trilogy The Rise of Skywalker as it was revealed the franchise’s main character, Rey, was his granddaughter, prompting fans to wonder if the Sith Lord was getting it on before he died. And now the character’s actor Ian McDiarmid has confirmed that Palpatine definitely did the deed quite a few times in his life.

McDiarmid confirms Palpatine had an active sex life

During an interview with Empire to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Star Wars prequels, McDiarmid revealed his stance on whether or not Darth Vader’s master was a bit of a stud or not.

In The Rise of Skywalker, it’s revealed that Rey, an orphan with Jedi powers, was actually Palpatine’s granddaughter, which put the thought of him possibly doing the nasty in the heads of fans everywhere, including McDiarmid himself.

“Please don’t pursue that line too vigorously. But yes, he does [have sex],” McDiarmid said, “It’s a horrible idea to think of Palpatine having sex in any shape or form. But then, of course, perhaps he didn’t.” 

The actor continued stating, “Maybe it’s all to do with midi-chlorians – and don’t ask me what those are. Never trust your granddaughter. That’s the T-shirt Palpatine got made. Shortly after his death.” 

According to the official Star Wars canon, Rey’s father, Dathan, was actually a failed strand-cast clone of Palpatine genetically engineered by Sith cultists, so technically Dathan wasn’t a direct genetic offspring of the Sith Lord.

Despite not actually having sex canonically in order to have a granddaughter, the idea that even a super evil Sith Lord could be seen as a viable partner in the Star Wars universe is incredibly funny.

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