Stranger Things 4 fans discover IRL Easter egg by calling Surfer Boy Pizza number

Zackerie Fairfax
stranger things 4 surfer boy pizza number

Stranger Things 4 may have come to an end, but the show keeps on giving as fans have discovered an IRL easter egg when calling the Surfer Boy Pizza number.

A few characters were added in Season 4 to the already substantial cast of the Stranger Things gang. The most notable are outcast dungeon master Eddie Munson (Joseph Quinn) and pothead pizza dude Argyle (Eduardo Franco).

While never getting to interact with each other in the show, these two characters added a ton of flavor to dark sci-fi adventure. And Argyle’s job as a pizza delivery man built onto the world in which the series is set.

In fact, Surfer Boy Pizza reached beyond the cinematic streets of Lenora Hills, California, and into the real world allowing fans to purchase frozen pizzas from their local supermarket.

stranger things surfer boy pizza promo

Calling all Surfer Boys – Stranger Things 4

The fun doesn’t stop at baking your own delicious pie. Spotted several times throughout the series is the telephone number for the Surfer Boy Pizza restaurant. Many fans noticed it on the side of the delivery van Argyle, Will, Mike, and Johnathan spend the majority of the season in.

The number is written as 805-45-PIZZA which when dialed on the phone is 1 (805) 457-4992.

If you call this number you’ll be met with a pre-recorded message from none other than Argyle. He will greet you as if to take your order before droning on and on about a “weird” order from another customer.

stranger things surfer boy pizza van

Sadly, you don’t get to order a pizza and Argyle hangs up on you after about a minute, but it’s a fun Easter egg nonetheless.

It’ll be some time before details arise regarding Stranger Things Season 5, and the cliffhanger ending of Season 4 doesn’t offer much solace. But at least we can call Surfer Boy anytime to catch up with our buddy Argyle.