Stranger Things’ Millie Bobby Brown on whether Eleven created the Upside Down

Josh Tyler
Stranger Things Eleven at Hawkins lab.

Stranger Things actress Millie Bobby Brown isn’t quite sure how to answer one of Season 4’s biggest mysteries.

Season 4 of Stranger Things answered a lot of questions that fans have been asking since back in the first season, but it also posed new theories, as well.

One of those big queries came in the finale to the first part of Season 4, where it was eventually revealed what happened on the day Will Byers vanished and how a young Eleven opened a gate to the mysterious realm known as the Upside Down.

While the episode, titled “The Massacre at Hawkins Lab”, finally showed a good deal of Eleven’s origin story and how she escaped Hawkins lab, it also posed one big question… And it seems even the star of Stranger Things doesn’t know the answer.

What is the Upside Down in Stranger Things?

Eleven faces the gate to the Upside Down.
Eleven faces the gate to the Upside Down.

In the latest episode of Season 4, Stranger Things revealed that the massacre at Hawkins lab, which Eleven previously believed was her fault, was actually caused by another patient in the program, One. Upon discovering that One had manipulated her to escape and kill all the other patients, Eleven banished him through a rift to the Upside Down.

This is the “gate” that Eleven opened in the first season, which eventually led to creatures from the Upside Down escaping to attack the town of Hawkins throughout Stranger Things.

One big question, though, is whether Eleven merely opened a portal to the Upside Down, or if she actually created this alternate direction.

Did Eleven create the Upside Down?

Stranger Things Upside Down.Stranger Things Upside Down.

In an interview with Variety, Eleven actor Millie Bobby Brown attempted to answer these big questions about the Upside Down. She revealed that, although the Duffer brothers revealed that this rift was the opening of the gate, they didn’t answer this new question.

In response to question as to whether the Upside Down existed before Eleven opened the rift, Brown said, “[t]his is too big of a debate for me to answer. I’m so worried. I think — no, no, no. I think that the alternate universe was always there. That is always going to be under Hawkins.”

So it seems that Eleven herself believes that the Upside Down was not created by Eleven, but she simply opened a gate to this alternate dimension. However, with the second part of Season 4 along with the fifth and final season still to come, there is still time for this question to be answered.