How long is the Ted Lasso finale runtime?

Cameron Frew
A still of Ted Lasso Season 3

How long is the runtime of the Ted Lasso finale? AFC Richmond are about to play their last match of the season – so, how long is the last episode of the Apple TV+ show?

After their relegation at the end of Season 1 and climb to promotion in Season 2, the third (and supposedly final) season of Ted Lasso has been an uphill battle for Richmond. Everyone on the team has been going through it: Colin was hiding his sexuality, Ted is homesick and misses his son, Keeley made some unfortunate choices with her PR firm, and Nate devoted himself to crushing his old team with West Ham.

But things are looking up: Richmond might just win “the whole f*cking thing”, and who knows what else could happen – check out our predictions here.

As fans eagerly await Episode 12, they may be wondering: how long is the Ted Lasso finale, and how does it compare to the other episodes?

Ted Lasso finale runtime: How long is it?

The Ted Lasso finale has a runtime of 76 minutes.

While this has yet to be confirmed by Apple TV, it was revealed by Australia’s official classification website.

This was to be expected, given the trend of feature-length finales in other shows like Succession and Stranger Things (there’s also a lot to tie up in the story), but it also continues Ted Lasso’s biggest change in the new season: long runtimes.

When the series began, each episode floated around the 30-minute mark, give or take a few minutes. In Season 2, runtimes were extended but never longer than an hour, with the beefiest episode having a runtime of 49 minutes.

Season 3 has abandoned the half-hour format altogether. Episode 1 was the shortest at 43 minutes, but three episodes have been over an hour long, and others have been around 50 minutes in length.

Ted Lasso Season 3 Episodes 1-11 are available to stream on Apple TV+ now, as well as the first two seasons. You can check out the rest of our coverage below:

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