The Bear Season 4 gets depressing release update after Season 3 complaints

Jasmine Valentine
Carm in The Bear

Fans watched The Bear Season 3 quicker than you can say “hands!” – but if you’re hoping to do the same with The Bear Season 4 this year, think again.

It’s only been a month since the emotional rollercoaster that was The Bear Season 3, yet fans are itching for more. We’ve been left with a healthy helping of questions after the ending, with none more pressing than whether or not Carmy’s restaurant can weather the storm.

Our minds are firmly set on The Bear Season 4. However, there’s a catch… we’re not getting it until at least summer 2025.

Given the rumors of the third and fourth chapters being filmed back to back, with some expecting more episodes to drop this year, it’s come as a blow to those left waiting.

“We need it now,” one fan tweeted in response to the news, with another agreeing, “2025? that’s so long… even my leftover pizza wouldn’t survive the wait.”

However, some fans flat out disagree with the news, as a third weighed in, “They filmed eight episodes, there’s two left if filming starts soon. Let’s say November when Ebon has a chance to film so I say a March 2025 release.”

FX boss John Landgraf explained to Variety, “We couldn’t bring it back sooner because of all of the film projects the actors are on right now. We started a show with a team of great actors. Now we have a show with a team of movie stars.

“They do have to go back for a chunk of production. And we actually haven’t seen all the scripts yet.”

He also added, “I can’t say for sure, but my guess is it’ll come back the same time next year,” meaning fan theories might actually be onto something.

In addition, it’s not specifically clear just how much of The Bear Season 4 has been filmed. When asked about it, The Bear cast responded at a press conference, “We did something like that. Yeah, a little version of it, sort of. But not exactly.”

There’s slightly better news on the horizon for The Bear fans though, as Landgraf also said he “couldn’t tell” if Season 4 will be the last, meaning there’s a slim chance of more.

While you wait, check out the new TV shows and TV shows streaming this month, as well as more on Carmy’s non-negotiables and the meaning of “keep the spoon.”