The Boys: Antony Starr explains why Homelander would “kick Superman’s a**”

Christopher Baggett
Homelander vs Superman

One of the longest debates in recent years has been whether or not The Boys’ superpowered menace Homelander could beat Superman. Now, Antony Starr himself has weighed in.

The question came up in an interview with ScreenRant ahead of The Boys Season 4 premiere, where Starr was asked about comments from co-star Jack Quaid about a potential fight between Homelander and Superman.

Quaid (who voices an animated Man of Steel on My Adventures with Superman) had asserted that Superman would beat Homelander. According to him, Superman just has to win, and while his version of Superman may not yet be as strong, he would eventually find a way.

Starr, however, was quick to dispute that answer, saying that Homelander would beat Superman in no uncertain terms.

“Here’s why Homelander would kick Superman’s ass.” Starr explained, “There’s no Kryptonite factor, and Homie would fight so dirty. He’s the [type to go], “Oh, you got me!” as he goes down and then comes up and throws sand in your eyes. He’s the dirty dude, man.”

Homelander in The Boys
Antony Starr says Homelander would definitely beat Superman because he fights dirty.

Homelander is definitely one of the dirtiest players in the game, as we’ve seen on The Boys. Whether it be talking people into jumping to their deaths, imploding blind supes’ eardrums, or just casually letting an entire plane full of people drop into the ocean, he’s proven he’ll pull no punches.

“Whereas Superman is always like, ‘Oh, I wouldn’t do that. Oh, there’s innocent children that might get hurt.’ Homie’s going to human shield himself with the kids.” Starr explained.

Homelander vs. Superman has been a debate for years now, dating back to the debut of Dynamite’s The Boys comics in 2007. While the version of Homelander we see in the comics is a more vile and ruthless version than the show has yet to feature, whether he could actually beat Superman remains up for debate.

A lot of the arguments even match the current question of Homelander vs. Omni-Man, something Mortal Kombat 1 aspires to answer soon. For many, that boils down simply to Homelander being a less experienced brawler who tends to solve problems with laser eyes.

While Homelander may seem all-powerful against throngs of helpless humans, an evenly powered Superman would pose a hell of a challenge. Superman himself has regularly defeated superpowered foes and demi-gods.

In that sense, Starr is probably right here. Homelander could definitely beat Superman, but he’d have to fight dirtier than he’d ever fought before.

We likely won’t find out anytime soon if Homelander or Superman would win, but we will find out soon if Homelander or Butcher will come out on top. Season 4 of The Boys premieres June 13, 2024.