The Boys: Victoria Neuman’s powers and origins explained

Kayla Harrington
Claudia Doumit as Victoria Neuman in The Boys

The Boys Season 4 sees the return of the ambitious Victoria Neuman, but some viewers may not be familiar with her backstory.

The Boys has a huge cast of colorful characters that fans of the superhero TV show have to remember, so they can be forgiven if they don’t remember everything about Victoria.

Between memorable characters Homelander and Billy Butcher along with other new Supes joining the Seven, it’s easy for the people like Victoria to slip under the radar.

But, as The Boys Season 4 rolls on, let’s take a look back on who Victoria Neuman is, where she came from, and what powers she currently has.

Who is Victoria Neuman?

Victoria Neuman is a congresswoman of the United States, an anti-Supe activist, and founding director of the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs. 

When she first debuted in The Boys Season 2, Victoria was shown to be firmly against Vought’s evil agenda and went so far as to push the U.S. House Judiciary Committee into starting a hearing about the company and its use of the drug Compound V.

Claudia Doumit as Victoria Neuman in The Boys

Her plan to expose Vought was working until her star whistle blower, the hearing’s judge, and several members of the gallery had their heads blown up right in front of the committee, letting Vought off the hook for their crimes.

However, it’s discovered at the end of the season that she was behind the head explosions in court as she is a Supe herself.

In Season 3, Victoria works incredibly close with The Boys member Hughie Campbell at the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs on the project of regulating the activity of Supes, all while she continued to pretend she’s not one of them.

However, her status as a Supe and her dark past were eventually revealed to Hughie, who begins to believe that she may be working with Vought.

And his suspicions proved to be correct as the end of Season 3 saw Victoria teaming up with Homelander as they both completed personal tasks for the other. Victoria disclosed where Homelander’s son was being hidden and Homelander had The Deep murder one of Victoria’s political rivals.

What are her powers?

Victoria Neuman has the power of blood manipulation and regenerative healing. 

While she is shown to have the typical Supe powers of super strength and super hearing, Victoria’s special ability is the power to control the blood within anyone.

Victoria shows off this power mostly by exploding people’s heads before they can reveal any sensitive information that involves her.

She also demonstrated that she can use blood as a weapon after she cut her hand and made the blood levitate. After cutting her hand, Victoria instantly closed the wound, showcasing her intense healing abilities.

Victoria has the same powers as Marie Moreau, a Gen V Supe. We’ve a theory that’s not the only connection the two share, either, but we’ll see how that plays out in the next season.

Where did she come from?

Victoria grew up in the Red River Institute, a Vought-owned orphanage that houses orphan Supes.

Victoria was actually born Nadia Khayat and was sent to Red River after she accidentally murdered her parents because she couldn’t control her powers, just like Marie.

The Red River Institute in The Boys

During her time at Red River, Victoria was placed with different adoptive families, but she always ended up back in the institute because her unregulated powers caused her to murder whoever she was living with.

Finally, when she turned 12 years old, she was adopted by former Vought CEO Stan Edgar, who used his power and influence to give her a new identity and erase any evidence of her past murders.

It was this connection to Vought that made Hughie incredibly suspicious of Victoria in Season 2, even though Victoria ended up betraying Stan in favor of staying in Homelander’s good graces.

What can we expect from Victoria in The Boys Season 4?

Victoria Neuman will be running for Vice President of the United States and playing the main antagonist in The Boys Season 4.

Victoria is starting off Season 4 strong as she is now in possession of Gen V’s virus that kills Supes after she took Dr. Cardosa’s entire supply before murdering him.

While Victoria is a Supe herself, there’s no telling if she will use this virus for her own gain or destroy it so it won’t hurt other Supes.

Realistically, Victoria will probably leverage the virus against stronger Supes like Homelander and some of the Gen V cast so she can create her own Supe army.

This plan may become complicated, however, as Victoria injected her daughter, Zoe, with Compound V in order to turn her into a Supe in Season 3, so this virus could cause more issues for them both. It sure caused issues for a bunch of security guards in The Boys Season 4 Episode 2!

The Boys creator Eric Kripke hinted that Victoria’s desire to protect Zoe may pose a big problem for her in Season 4 as he told Screen Rant, “She’s dealing with protecting her daughter. The world is getting scarier and scarier, and as she grows ever closer to power, I think she’s realizing that she’s made quite the devil’s bargain. And so, then her interest becomes: how does she save herself and her little girl?”

Either way, Victoria’s previous alliance with Vought and her possession of the Supe virus will put her in Billy Butcher and The Boys’ crosshairs, so only time will tell how bad things will get for her.

New episodes of The Boys Season 4 drop every Thursday through Prime Video. In meantime, you can read about Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s new character and our ranking of every season so far.