Tobey Maguire is ready to return as Spider-Man again after No Way Home

Brianna Reeves
Tobey magquire spider-man

If asked, Tobey Maguire would happily revisit the world of Spider-Man after appearing in No Way Home.

In 2021’s No Way Home, Fan-favorite Spidey actor Tobey Maguire returned to the role after nearly 15 years. Audiences were nothing short of elated by Maguire’s screen presence, especially enjoying the chemistry between him and the other Peter Parkers – Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland.

What Sony and Marvel Studios have planned next for the wallcrawler(s) remains to be seen. Still, fans hold out hope that Maguire and Garfield will eventually return in some capacity.

And according to a recent interview, Maguire isn’t against the idea of once more donning the suit.

Tobey Maguire talks potential return as Spider-Man

Speaking to about No Way Home’s “Official Movie Special,” Tobey Maguire expressed an interest in possibly returning to the brand.

Maguire told the website the following:

“I love these films and I love all of the different series. If these guys called me and said, ‘Would you show up tonight to hang out and goof around?’ or ‘Would you show up to do this movie or read a scene or do a Spider-Man thing?’, it would be a ‘yes!’ Because why wouldn’t I want to do that?”

Earlier in the interview, the actor said the call to appear in No Way Home was something he’d long awaited. “I got the call and was immediately open about coming to do this,” he added.

Spider-Man Re-release Dates
Spider-Man: No Way Home

As previously noted, what the future holds for Tobey Maguire’s version of Spider-Man presently remains a mystery. The same is true with respect to Andrew Garfield’s web-slinger.

Uncorroborated rumors claim both could appear in one of Into the Spider-Verse’s upcoming sequels. At the very least, it’s clear Maguire isn’t ready to give up on the mantle just yet.