Virgin River Season 6 photos hint Lizzie is no longer pregnant

Jasmine Valentine
Lizzie in Virgin River

In Season 5 Part 2, Lizzie revealed to Denny that she was pregnant. But if Virgin River Season 6 is anything to go by, her journey isn’t going to be easy.

Fans have been starved of information on the binge-worthy TV show all year, and now everything is coming at once. We have a release date, number of episodes, rumored titles, and confirmation that Mel and Jack’s wedding is definitely happening.

But where does this leave the town’s other residents? Lizzie is also left on a cliffhanger, telling Denny (who just happens to be Doc’s grandson) that she’s pregnant. If this was the case, we’d expect to see some kind of a bump, but new photos say otherwise.

In new behind-the-scenes snaps of Season 6, actress Sarah Dugdale appears in costume without a fake bump, suggesting nothing has changed. Later photos show her hiding behind props – but again, no bump.

An Instagram post of Muriel and Lizzie in Virgin River

You might think it is strange to focus on a physicality so intently, but let’s remind ourselves of Charmaine‘s pregnancy. It’s almost difficult to imagine her without a bump she was wearing one for so long, drawn out for almost five seasons.

Then there’s the other end of the spectrum with Mel. She’s been through some of the most traumatic birthing moments on the show, suffering through a miscarriage before she even arrived in town.

Virgin River has set itself a precedent for how it handles pregnancies, which means Lizzie’s lack of change likely falls into one of two categories. She’s either sadly following the same path as Mel, or she’s had the baby much more quickly than we thought.

However, there’s a third, very soap opera-style possibility – Lizzie’s pregnancy might have been a false alarm. Of course, she’s in the best family for the job if this is the case, but we can’t rule it out.

Currently, no storyline for Lizzie (or Denny) in Virgin River Season 6 has been confirmed.

Season 6 arrives on Netflix on December 19. In the meantime, check out other Season 6 storylines, if there will be a time jump, and more similar shows to watch while you wait.

You can also take a look at more TV shows streaming this month.