Why Deadpool creator won’t cameo in Deadpool 3

Chris Tilly
Rob Liefeld's Deapool in comic book form.

Deadpool 3 is coming very soon, but while the movie is expected to be chock-full of big-name cameos, don’t expect to see the creator of the character appearing, much to his annoyance.

Deadpools 1 and 2 were filled with cameos by stars and beloved superheroes. With Deadpool 3 hitting screens in July – and the trailer expected to drop imminently – speculation is rife as to who might pop up in the threequel.

We know that Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine is playing a major role in the movie. While Jennifer Garner is reprising her role as Electra. Sabertooth and Toad are rumored to be appearing. While star Ryan Reynolds felt the need to go on the record regarding a potential Taylor Swift cameo.

But what of Rob Liefeld, the man who co-created Deadpool with Fabian Nicieza back in 1990? Well, he’s been sounding off about his lack of involvement on Twitter/X…

Why Deadpool creator won’t cameo in Deadpool 3

Above pictures of the first Deadpool covers, Rob Liefeld wrote: “People ask me constantly whether or not I cameo in Deadpool 3. I do not. I was not asked or considered. Guess the guy who imagined him into reality is not someone worthy of acknowledgment. So there you go.”


Rob wasn’t done there, following it up with: “Superman 1978 featured Jerry Siegel & Joe Schuster’s credits in the opening. I was so thrilled as a kid watching their credits appear in the FRONT of the film. Now we all wait to see how far down the scrawl our collective names get printed in the smallest font. It’s shameful and needs to change. Without US there is NOTHING. Emphasis does not equal yelling.”

Liefled’s name was an Easter egg in the first movie, about which he writes: “That was thanks to Director, Tim Miller. He was fantastic to work with.” While he has praise for 20th Century Fox’s efforts previously, stating: “FOX put myself, Len Wein, Chris Claremont in their films. Maybe others that I can’t think of. Disney/Marvel treatment is nowhere near as generous.”

More recently on Rob Liefeld’s Twitter/X feed, he writes: “All comic character creators should be acknowledged at the beginning just like [JK] Rowling, [George RR] Martin, [Stephen] King.” Before adding “It’s disheartening and worse we’ve all been conditioned to accept it.”

Deadpool 3 is out on July 26, 2024.