Why there won’t be a Wolf Man 2
Universal PicturesWolf Man is a fresh take on the classic horror character that hits screens this week. But writer-director Leigh Whannell has no plans for a sequel, telling Dexerto that “it’s done.”
Leigh Whannell is bringing the Universal monsters back. The brains behind the Saw and Insidious movies wrote and directed an Invisible Man movie in 2020. And now he’s re-inventing the Wolf Man.
The new film stars Christopher Abbot as a husband and father who has a close encounter with a wolf, and starts turning on his wife and child.
You can read our Wolf Man review here, while below, Leigh explains why there probably won’t be a sequel.
Leigh Whannell says he’s “closed the book” on Wolf Man
Dexerto spoke to Leigh Whannell about how the likes of The Fly, American Werewolf in London, and Finding Nemo influenced his Wolf Man. Then we asked if he’s done with the story.
“I don’t know,” came the response. “At this moment now, you’re talking to me about this movie I’ve just made – in this moment, I just feel like that’s it, it’s done, I told that story. Usually over time they can break you down. That’s why I never say never.
“Even with something like Upgrade, which was not a huge box office success. No one is really clamouring for an Upgrade sequel. But even now, after all these years, I’ll find myself day-dreaming about ‘what would that sequel be?’
“Right now I feel like [Wolf Man] is a closed book, but we’ll see what happens. Usually I come around and I end up in an interview with you… although unlike last time, we’re not able to duck off and have a pint afterwards. That’s rubbish.”
In spite of Leigh’s thoughts, actor Ben Prendergast – who features early in the movie – is hopeful that a sequel might happen, telling us that “I think the fact that it’s set in the ’90s – that era – you’re in Oregon, which is a very sparsely populated place, there could be the opportunity to have other stories that have taken place there. Who knows, maybe they give Leigh some more money to make number two. I hope so.”
Prendergast adds: “I didn’t talk to him about any spinoffs or about the gaps. I know he’s 100% capable of spinning this off for sure but he keeps his cards close to his chest.”
Why there won’t be an Upgrade 2
As Leigh brought Upgrade up, we then asked about any potential sequel to one of the best sci-fi action movies of the last few years.
“At the moment, no one’s asking for Upgrade 2,” says Leigh. “I feel like a sequel is a champagne problem created by the success of a movie. A movie does well and Hollywood says ‘give us more.’ You have to go back and reverse-engineer more story on the end of your story.
“I’ve been through that – obviously I’ve been through a couple of franchises where they’ve made – how many Saw movies have they made? Nine? Ten? So I’ve seen first-hand how a movie you create can sort-of metastasize into this franchise that goes on-and-on and then it belongs to other people.
“So I’m cautious with that because you want to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons, and ‘Do I have something more to say here?’”
Wolf Man is released on January 17, 2025. Head here to find out how the death of the Dark Universe breathed life into Leigh Whannell’s monsters movies. While for more scary stuff, check out our list of the best horror movies releasing this year, or click here for more great movies out this month.