Will Smith and Martin Lawrence reveal conditions to return for Bad Boys 5

Kayla Harrington
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys: Ride or Die

Riding on the high of Bad Boys: Ride or Die’s success, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence have revealed the conditions that need to be met in order for them to return for Bad Boys 5.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die has been dominating the box office as audiences are eager to reunite with Miami’s finest in their newest action movie.

Thanks to the movie’s current success, Bad Boys 5’s future is looking more and more bright, but Will Smith and Martin Lawrence have some needs they want met before they commit to another movie.

“It is a world and characters that are just an absolute joy to be with. In a movie theater with Mike and Marcus, it just feels like home,” Smith told Entertainment Weekly. “So, as long as there’s a reason — I never wanted to be one of those dudes who make sequels just because people will go.”

He continued, “I want to make them because there is something to say and the characters have a place that they’re developing to that will be interesting and fun to watch and maybe even a little helpful. Is there something that can happen in these characters’ lives that is worth asking people to go to a movie theater for?”

Lawrence went onto add that he and Smith would also return if viewers ask for it, “We’ll have to see [about Bad Boys 5]. You know I never say never, but it also has to make sense. If the fans ask for it, you know we could be back.”

The duo aren’t the only ones who are on board for a potential fifth movie, as franchise producer Jerry Bruckheimer weighed on in on the future of Hollywood’s Bad Boys.

When Deadline asked if Bad Boys 5 was already in development, Bruckheimer answered, “We’ve had discussions but we want to see how this one did at the box office, and I’m sure we’ll have conversations this week.”

While getting a fifth entry of the franchise is exciting, the only downside is it might be the last outing for Smith and Lawrence’s characters.

In the same interview with EW, Smith remarked, “These younger actors are going to need to do more of the stunts, that’s for sure.”

It would be a bit odd to not see the duo in the roles they’ve played since 1995, but the series could continue on without them, as Bad Boys 4’s ending revealed who should take over for the pair.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die is now playing in theaters. For more, read about all the new movies to watch in June and check out our guide to the best movies of 2024 so far.