Will there be a Lisa Frankenstein 2?

Chris Tilly
Kathryn Newton and Cole Sprouse lying in bed in Lisa Frankenstein.

Lisa Frankenstein hits screening in the US today, so is that the last we’ll see of those characters, or might we get a sequel?

Lisa Frankenstein is a very loose adaptation of Mary Shelley’s 1818 gothic novel, with the movie written by Diablo Cody, and directed by Zelda Williams.

Set in the 1980s, the film stars Kathryn Newton as Lisa Swallows, who tends to the grave of a young man, who for inexplicable reasons, becomes reanimated by a ball of green lightning.

Cole Sprouse plays the resulting ‘Creature,’ and the pair of them kill a bunch of people who have done her wrong, then raid their bodies for parts for him. It’s a twisted rom-com, but does the ending pave the way for any sequel? Find out below, just beware of SPOILERS AHEAD

Will there be a Lisa Frankenstein 2?

While there aren’t any current plans for Lisa Frankenstein 2 – and the film doesn’t have a post-credits scene that specifically sets something up – the movie is open-ended in a way that would allow both Lisa and the Creature to return in a sequel.

You can read our full report on the climax here, but the gist is that Lisa either fakes her own death by pretending to burn up in a fire. Or more likely dies in that fire, with the Creature bringing her back to life, offscreen.

The final shot is of the the lovers sitting by a lake, with Lisa covered in bandages, and the Creature reading her poetry. This means his mute character can finally talk, which would change their dynamic in any potential sequel.

As for the story, Lisa’s mother was murdered by an axeman, a subplot that isn’t explored in this first film. So Lisa Frankenstein 2 could revolve around tracking the killer down and making him pay for his crime.

Will there be a Jennifer’s Body crossover?

While doing interviews for the new film, Diablo Cody stated that Lisa Frankenstein takes place in the same world as Jennifer’s Body. So don’t be surprised if rather than a sequel, any follow-up ends up being a crossover movie.

Here’s what Cody said on a recent red carpet: “I am just declaring that this movie takes place in the same universe. I have decided that. I will not say that you’d see any overt references to that but I’m saying it.”

Though while Jennifer’s Body is considered a beloved cult movie today, it wasn’t a hit at the time. So for any future film to happen, Lisa Frankenstein would probably need to be a hit.

Lisa Frankenstein is in US cinemas now, while it hits UK screens on March 1, 2024. You can read our review of the movie here.