NICKMERCS reveals his take on “crazy” accusations against Dr Disrespect

Meera Jacka

NICKMERCS has responded to the claims against Dr Disrespect after a former Twitch employee stated he was banned for inappropriately messaging a minor.

Four years after the Doc was permanently banned and two years after he resolved a lawsuit filed against the streaming platform, ex-Twitch employee Cody Conners alleged that a banned unnamed creator had been “s***ing a minor”.

Fingers were quickly pointed to Dr Disrespect by various people within the industry, though the creator denied any wrongdoings and released a statement insisting this had not been the reason for his ban.

Now, NICKMERCS has responded to the situation, taking to X (formerly Twitter) with a video calling for caution before anyone jumps to any conclusions surrounding the allegations.

NICKMERCS’ take on Dr Disrespect Twitch ban allegations

The American YouTuber stated he was “as taken back as a lot of you guys” after hearing the claims made about Dr Disrespect’s ban. However, he went on to warn that “the fact remains that these are some crazy accusations.”

NICKMERCS said, “Until we know more, until we know them as fact, until they’ve been proven with evidence, what are we talking about? What’s anybody talking about?”

“As far as the ‘leave little kids alone’ stuff, this doesn’t make it any further from the truth,” he continued. The YouTuber concluded his video by warning, “Leave little children out of your s***.”

“So far, you’re right. Wait until more comes out ’cause so far I see them as just accusations but it can either be true or false but we don’t have enough information to go on with,” one viewer agreed with NICKMERCS’ take.

Others were less sympathetic to the YouTuber’s response, claiming he was protecting the Doc as the pair were friends: “It’s always ‘we gotta protect the kids’ ’till it’s the homies f***ing the kids.”