Bizarre Valorant ult interaction leaves even developers confused

Jeremy Gan
Iso kill contract cinematic

A bizarre Valorant ultimate interaction between Iso and KAY/O is so rare that it has even left the game’s developers confused about whether it was intended or not.

In a game with so many abilities, it’s often surprising to learn that many of their interactions with one another are actually intentional by the devs.

From KAY/O’s suppression being able to cancel Raze ults, Cypher trips stopping Jetts from opening space into sites, or a Fade being able to ping a Viper in their pit.

However, because of the plethora of abilities, even the devs can’t be certain of every possible interaction with every possible Agent – and it seems a particularly weird one has confused them.

Showed off by user u/pigster007 in the Valorant subreddit, a clip revealed that if a KAY/O activates their ult (NULL/CMD) right before entering an Iso ult (Kill Contract), should they subsequently lose the fight, they can still kill the Iso.

This is because if a KAY/O in their NULL/CMD is killed, they’re just downed, but still have tons of health in their downed state. Meaning if the Iso doesn’t kill the KAY/O in time, both of them die since technically no one won the fight.

In the clip, it’s clear the Iso wouldn’t have enough time to kill the downed KAY/O before the Kill Contract expired, meaning the Iso just doomed themselves.

This is obviously extremely rare to come across, considering you’ll need quite a fair few things to go just right for the interaction to happen, all in the span of a few seconds.

This odd situation between ults also confused a dev. Riot CombatCube, a software engineer for Riot, commented, “Not sure if this is intended, but I reported it to the team.”

However, players were begging the dev to not remove it from the game considering it’s one of the few proper counters to Iso’s Kill Contract.

“It’s not a bug. Iso’s ult kills both players if they’re alive for too long, and KAY/O’s ult makes it hard to kill him. Don’t change it,” said one player in response to the dev.

We’ll have to wait and see if Riot ever removes this interaction, as Iso is getting some nerfs in the coming patch 9.00 update.