How to use the Ghost: Valorant weapon guide

Lauren Bergin
Valorant Ghost Guide

Valorant’s silenced pistol, the Ghost, certainly packs quite the punch despite looking a little daintier than the others. This guide will help you master the stealthy weapon to its full potential.

No one likes getting Ghosted, and in Valorant that rings even more true. The infamous semi-automatic pistol has become a powerhouse in the game’s meta, and is an instant cop for competitive and casual players alike.

Just because it’s a popular weapon, though, doesn’t mean that it’s easy to use. We’ve compiled this guide to help make it easier to turn your enemies into literal ghosts.

Ghost damage stats

A glance at the Ghost’s damage stats will certainly inspire you to pick it up. Despite being a pretty small weapon, it can really do some damage.

While in comparison to the Sheriff it doesn’t pack the same punch, you need to consider that it has 15 bullets in the chamber that can be rattled off in quick succession (6.75 rounds/sec) to drop your opponents like flies.

Valorant Ghost stats

Ghost spray pattern & movement accuracy

The Ghost’s spray pattern is pretty much as straight as an arrow, only rising up a tiny bit as you fire more and more shots. While the Classic varies a bit more, it’s good to keep the same thought process in mind when using the Ghost: balance your speed and your accuracy in order to make the most out of the weapon.

While moving the gun’s accuracy is one to one, which is perfect for taking on other guns, it also allows you to reign havoc from around corners and from lines of sight. If your aim is true then you can easily take out an unsuspecting enemy.

Keep an eye on the enemy shields

Running into the fray with your Ghost in hand seems like a great idea initially, but it’s important to remember the the enemy team will most likely be buying Classic, Shields and Abilities first round.

The Ghost can one tap an unshielded player. Importantly, it’ll take a few more shots to drop a player with shields. Two shots to the head should do it, but by that time you need to be aware of the fact that you don’t have shields and are now an easy target.

So, yes, Ghost is a great weapon, but it can be a coin flip. It suits a more aggressive, stealthy playstyle, so make sure that aligns with how you want to play the game.

Yoru and Viper Valorant Patch 2.06 buffs
Valorant’s invisible resident, Yoru, looks pretty good with the ghost!

Setting you back 500 Creds, it’s important to think about how you plan to play the game. The Ghost can still compete against the likes of the Stinger and even Spectre, but as your opponents start levelling up their arsenal things will get harder to juggle.

You’re better sticking with the Classic first round, then working up to the Ghost. Keep it for a couple of rounds and then, if you’re doing well, you can skip the two SMGs and go straight for a rifle. Otherwise, the Spectre is your best call.

If you want to mark yourself as one to watch, then the Ghost is for you. However, with great power comes great responsibility, so use it wisely.