Valorant “buyback” glitch stealing players’ Creds is finally getting fixed

Andrew Amos
Jett in Valorant next to Vandal

One of Valorant’s most notorious glitches is finally getting fixed. After months of community campaigning, Riot have revealed the shopkeeper will no longer steal your Valorant Creds when allies sell weapons you bought for them in an upcoming patch.

One of Valorant’s most useful mechanics is the ability to request and buy weapons in-game for other players. No longer having to juggle weapons in spawn, everyone can get to their positions and set up in time for the round start thanks to the feature.

However, it hasn’t worked flawlessly. In fact, the shopkeeper has had a nasty habit of stealing players’ Creds through this system.

shooting in Valorant.
Accidentally sold a Vandal your teammate bought for you? Well, soon they’ll properly get the 2,900 Creds back.

If a player bought a gun their ally requested, and then they sold it, sometimes players wouldn’t be handed back the cash. While this may be a small problem if it’s only a pistol, you can be out of pocket 5,000 Creds for a non-existent Operator, completely ruining your team’s economy.

The issue has been around for months, and the community has been pushing for changes from Day 1. Now, Riot is finally taking action, having nailed down the issue and promising a fix in the coming weeks.

“We are aware of this issue, and while it may not land in the current patch, we’re trying our best to get it fixed in an upcoming one,” developer Brandon ‘mochimisu’ Wang told players on Reddit on January 12.

“Truth be told, we had this on our radar for a while as well, and weren’t able to make time to investigate it until recently.”


Exactly what the problem is, or if more changes to the system are on the way is not known. Just fixing this little glitch though is sure to please a lot of players.

In the meantime, Riot aren’t going to implement a band-aid fix. Simply disabling the mechanic will drastically impact gameplay — something they’re not willing to do.

“We don’t want to introduce a lot of issues into a potential change in the game that we aren’t able to test more thoroughly. We’re trying to make our releases more stable, so we’re afraid a change like that may have some other consequences. That applies to both disabling this and fixing in a hotfix now,” Wang added.

The change isn’t expected to land on patch 2.00 ⁠— which launched with Episode 2’s release on January 12 ⁠— but players won’t have to wait much longer to get their hard-earned Creds back for lost guns.