Valorant player reaches Immortal with wild bad aim “run and gun” strat

Declan Mclaughlin
an image of Omen holding Outlaw in Valorant

Valorant is a competitive FPS that rewards players for their aim, but one player has proven that accuracy isn’t everything for climbing the ranked ladder and that running and gunning is a viable strategy.

Aim trainers and aim coaches have become a new hot thing in Valorant as players look for anything to help them improve their skills so they can climb the ranked ladder.

But having great aim isn’t the only thing players need to win games and earn ranked points. Valorant is ultimately a tactical shooter that rewards strategy, and knowing what strategies to abuse, along with mechanical mastery.

One player illustrated this point in a Reddit post, showcasing how they climbed to Immortal with games where their headshot percentage was terrible using a strategy around shooting while running

“That thing Riot said about run and gun being “fixed”? No, it is still very much a thing and if you abuse it you can easily win so many gunfights without even aiming at the head of your enemy (Frenzy on pistol is a key example, Spectre and Stinger run and gun is hella broken on a bonus buy at close range),” they said in the post.

The Frenzy, Spectre, and Stinger are three guns that can get kills without needing great aim as they all have a high rate of fire that melts enemies up close and can be used effectively while running.

The high fire rate weapons also pair well with Reyna, an agent the player uses often, thanks to her ultimate.

The post also mentioned other important elements to climbing the ranked ladder like map rotation timings, movement, and understanding the economy system as other major factors to improving outside of aim training.

Other players seem to take the post to heart, with some revealing they also don’t have great aim and still are in the top half of the ranked ladder.

“I am a player in diamond with horrible aim, I see people around me with horrible aim moments all the time, (I quite often get flamed for my aim too). It always makes me laugh when people complain about godlike aim in silver/gold,” one user said.

Training one’s aim isn’t a bad idea in the grand scheme of things, but as players have made clear, it’s far from the only way to rank up in Valorant.