Valorant players discover game-breaking Omen exploit on Abyss

Daniel Appleford
Valorant Omen TP on Abyss

Omen has once again proven that he is the best Valorant Agent to play on Abyss as another bug discovers he can teleport outside of the barrier at the start of the game.

Valorant released Abyss with the 8.11 patch which has mechanics unlike any other map. Not only are there jump spots around the map, but there are also multiple places that players can fall off as well.

With the new ability to nosedive into death, Agents with added movement, like Omen, have become a must-pick when playing. Because of this, Valorant players have started finding new ways to up the ante.

Omen now has the ability to teleport out of the barrier on Abyss using his C ability and good timing, a trick that no one on the enemy team will be able to see coming.

On B outside edge of B site on Abyss, Omen can look up and find a teleport spot right above him. This isn’t an intended teleport spot, as it places open in the air, but it can then lead to a near trick to get on the other side of the barrier.

Once in the air, Omen can fall off the side and throw his second teleport to reach the landing, but the maneuver leaves little room for error. A successful jump could lead to a game-changing advantage, while a misstep could result in a premature death before the round even begins.

The comments underneath the video had players attesting that the trick does, in fact, work. Others also assured players that those who attempt it could face an inevitable death. One commenter shared that their friend had tried it multiple times but failed over half of the attempts.

Other bugs have been present throughout Abyss involving both Omen and Phoenix, yet a proper patch hasn’t been added. So, make the most of these clever bugs to win your next game while you can.