Dire Maul introduced as WoW Classic’s first new dungeon

Joe O'Brien

The first new content for World of Warcraft Classic since its launch is about to arrive, with the Dire Maul dungeon set for release on October 15.

WoW Classic returns Blizzard’s immensely popular MMO to its original, pre-expansion state, and has been met with massive interest, with huge numbers of players flooding to relive their early WoW experience, or try the original game for the first time.

Original “vanilla” Warcraft didn’t remain entirely the same throughout its lifespan, however, with a variety of new content added in much the same way that the modern retail version of the game evolves throughout each expansion.

WoW Classic has proven immensely popular with fans.

For Classic, Blizzard have started the clock near the beginning of vanilla WoW, and are set to introduce additional content over six phases, following a similar structure to the game’s original progression.

In a recent content update, Blizzard revealed that the first new release would be the Dire Maul dungeon, which will arrive on October 15.

Dire Maul is a five-player dungeon found in Feralas designed for players at level 58-60, offering some of the strongest gear players can find before jumping into raids. As well as the new drops, Dire Maul also offers some valuable world buffs to power up players ahead of raids.

The dungeon was originally slated to go live as part of Phase Two, which will also include world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak, as well as the Honor System for PvP and PvP Rank rewards. However, Dire Maul has now been moved forward, while the rest of Phase Two will be released at a date yet to be announced.

Blizzard haven’t announced a specific time frame for the progression of each content phase for WoW Classic, but with the original game having advanced over the course of two years prior to the release of the first expansion, The Burning Crusade, it seems likely that Classic will follow a similar schedule.