WoW Classic players roast Blizzard for Brewfest drama after community complaints

Bill Cooney
TBC Classic Brewfest

WoW Classic players are pretty upset with Blizzard over the publisher’s apparent lack of concern about TBC’s botched Brewfest event.

Seasonal events in WoW are supposed to be fun, limited time events where players can pick up rare items or loot. Brewfest did offer players the chance to get the fabled Brewfest Ram, but the 2021 iteration didn’t go very smoothly, and was apparently cut short by Blizzard.

According to official releases when the update went live, Brewfest was supposed to last until October 6 in The Burning Crusade Classic, however when players logged in to WoW on Oct. 4, they found things had apparently already wrapped up.

“Wtf horde side had like 3 days one quest bugged, are they drunk?” one user on Reddit wondered, to which another replied “no, they just don’t care.”

To break it down, during the first few days of Brewfest a quest to collect coins for the special mount was bugged so players weren’t able to start saving up. Blizzard and other third-party sites (Dexerto included) reported that the event would last until October 6.

So, when players logged in on October 4 expecting to have a few more days to grind, they actually found the event over. As you might expect, a lot of them weren’t too happy.

Don’t go logging onto the Blizzard forums to share a piece of your mind just yet though, as WoW Classic devs seemed to have realized their mistake, and brought the event back for the original amount of time.

Brewfest back on track

Brewfest 2021 bluetext
Brewfest is back on the menu — for now.

According to a bluetext on the official World of Warcraft forum Brewfest should be back online until 23:59 server time on October 5, as originally reported.

It might not make up for the few hours that the event was unavailable, but players that have been diligently grinding coins should be able to unlock either the Swift Brewfest Ram or the Great Brewfest Kodo still, despite the scheduling debacle.