WoW devs caught by surprise as fans find hilarious error in-game

Lauren Bergin
Funny WoW Error

World of Warcraft fans have uncovered a hilarious error in-game, but Blizzard have been quick to rectify it in WoW despite being caught off guard. 

When it comes to WoW, glitches can often make or break a player’s experience. While some can be funny, others can render you trapped and useless. Fun? Not so much.

With the release of WoW Shadowlands hosts of new fans have been flocking to the iconic franchise and have, therefore, been discovering even more issues in-game.

There’s a hilarious new error in town that has stolen the attention of fans on Reddit, and it seems like it may have caught Blizzard unawares.

Fun WoW bug discovered

WoW Chains of Domination
Just as fans have been shocked by Anduin’s fate in Chains of Domination, Blizzard have been shocked by this error.

Some players have found that, when starting up WoW, the loading screen lists the game’s copyright license as existing from 2004 until 2020, therefore implying that Blizzard no longer own WoW.

One fan responded that they’ve taken the reins, and will be trading subscriptions for “one hug a month.” Having garnered 11.6k upvotes, it’s pretty clear that fans would love a hug subscription based system.

Sadly, however, this new found business model was not long for this world. A follow up comment from two days later proves that Blizzard have wrestled back control of the iconic franchise from this sneaky Reddit user.

Blizzard caught unaware by WoW error

Blizzard sent in the whole squad to combat this error.

A follow up thread a couple of days later shows that, in Patch 9.0.5, Blizzard will be updating the login screen to assert that they are the real owners of the WoW universe.

As shown in a series of screenshots, Blizzard clearly discovered the original Reddit post and have proceeded implement an update in response. The original post went up a day before Blizzard chose to solve the issue in the Patch.

With the original poster writing that “this would hurt if I wasn’t already dead inside,” they declined another respondents offer of a hug claiming that they had “lost the right to ask.”

It’s pretty clear that the WoW devs spend as much time monitoring their community as we do, however it’s a shame to see the hugs for subscription model come to such an abrupt end.

Maybe Blizzard will implement this strategy in the future, but until then, the future of WoW is in their hands.