WoW Dragonflight boat & zeppelin locations: How to get to Dragon Isles

Brad Norton
WoW Dragon Isles

To travel across and reach the Dragon Isles, players must catch either a boat or a zeppelin ride in the WoW Dragonflight expansion. Here’s how it all works so you can begin your journey right away.

With the release of WoW Dragonflight, players can now start the latest adventure by traveling to an all-new territory in the Dragon Isles. Characters, questlines, loot, and secrets all await in the new region, but how exactly do you get there?

Before you can enjoy any of the new content in the Dragonflight expansion, you first have to travel to this new location. Thankfully, getting there should be a breeze so long as you complete a specific questline.

Here’s how you can venture to the Dragon Isles in WoW Dragonflight without wasting any time.

How to reach Dragon Isles in WoW Dragonflight

Whether you’re an experienced WoW player that completed all pre-patch content, or just jumping in for the first time with the new expansion, everyone starts at the same point. All players must progress through The Dragonscale Expedition quest.

Once you’ve made your way to the final step in this basic questline, one of two options will become available depending on your allegiance.


If you’re a member of the Alliance, you must travel to the Stormwind Harbor. From here, keep your eyes out for a special boat that will take you directly to the Dragon Isles.

It may take a fair few minutes for this specific boat to appear, so keep your eyes peeled. It’s likely you’ll see dozens of other players all looking for the same boat to spawn, so make sure to follow the crowd.

WoW dock
Either a boat or a zeppelin will take you straight to the Dragon Isles.


If you’re a member of the Horde, you must visit the Orgrimmar Zeppelin Master. Similar to the above method, you’ll have to wait around here for a specific Zeppelin to appear. Once it’s there, simply hop onboard and it’ll fly you directly to the Dragon Isles.

Issues reaching Dragon Isles in WoW Dragonflight

At the time of writing, thousands of players are facing difficulties with the methods listed above. For many, the boats and zeppelins are either taking a good while to appear, or simply not spawning in at all.

As it stands, there’s currently no workaround in WoW Dragonflight. In order to access the latest content, everyone has to complete the same steps, follow The Dragonscale Expedition quest, and travel to the Dragon Isles.

Be sure to keep trying over and over until one of the vehicles appears in your server. That’s all there is to try at this moment, but we’ll keep you posted here should that change in the coming hours.