WoW player roasts devs with brutal Halloween pumpkin carving

Connor Knudsen
wow pumpkin

One World of Warcraft player is celebrating this Halloween a little differently, in light of recent fan complaints about the game’s developer, Activision Blizzard.

World of Warcraft, Activision Blizzard’s MMO, has been a gaming mainstay for several years. But, not without its due backfire.

The game’s massive player base has been left feeling mixed emotions in 2021, whether it be as a result of in-game content droughts or the lawsuits directed at Activision Blizzard – some referencing problems with their workplace culture.

For one festive WoW fan, they decided to channel their emotions through a Halloween pumpkin carving. It’s fair to say that it hits hard.

WoW player roasts Blizzard with pumpkin carving

For this year’s spooky season, one WoW fan decided to put all of their frustrations into a jab at the MMO’s developer, posting a hilarious pumpkin carving to the WoW subreddit.

They also revealed they had made this carving during a solo carving contest, with the rest of their guild on a break from the game.

“Every year my guild has a WoW-themed pumpkin carving contest. They’re all on break from wow, but I carved one anyway…”

The pumpkin reads: “RIP Blizzard.”

Based on recent overarching community reactions, this post really isn’t alone with its pumpkin-carving expression of discontent.

Whether it’s Asmongold slamming the game’s story, the perceived gutting of the main story quests in patch 9.15, or the renaming of the controversial Cannibal Corpse NPC, Activision Blizzard just can’t seem to get a move right in the eyes of its fans.

As the community is raging over candles being taken out of pumpkins in-game, this player shot back using one of their own. You never know, it could start a pumpkin war.