MrBeast accused of “censoring” comments amid Ava Kris Tyson controversy

Carver Fisher

Though the MrBeast video released on August 3, 2024, garnered millions upon millions of viewers in a matter of hours, the YouTuber is being accused of censoring comments and keeping negative sentiment from spreading.

While he’s confirmed that a third-party investigation is being conducted into Ava Kris Tyson’s activity while she was with the company, he has yet to speak personally on the concerns raised by fans.

Fans are making their voices heard in the best way they know how: dislikes and comments. His August 3 video, ‘Survive 100 Days In Nuclear Bunker, Win $500,000‘, was immediately bombarded by what appeared to be millions of dislikes.

This doesn’t include his past videos getting hit, either. His $1,000,000 YouTuber challenge has over 500k dislikes, and several of his most recent videos have garnered between 70-100k dislikes over the span of a few weeks.

However, Keemstar claims to have gotten in contact with MrBeast, displaying video footage from his account and displaying a dislike count that’s just under 40k. It’s worth noting that this is a report from Keemstar, and that MrBeast has yet to speak on the situation independently.

Commenters also claimed that MrBeast is censoring and blacklisting certain words. Despite fan outcry, there aren’t any negative comments among the most liked, but sorting the comments by new tells a different story.

New comments are filled with people calling out MrBeast, aka Jimmy, but they’re all written without spaces to get around blacklisted terms.

“WeKnowWhatYouDidJimmy,” “HesCensoringTheReplies,” and “WhyAreYouDeletingCommentsJimmy? HidingSomething?” are just a few examples of what people are typing to get around words they believe are being actively censored.

Whether or not these comments remain on the video, those making their displeasure heard have taken to other social media platforms and have continued to call out the YouTuber.

Viewers have uploaded videos that show them clicking on comments to expand them, only for the comments to disappear in real time. Anything mentioning allegations quickly got smited down according to viewers browsing comments.

Other than the initial response, which announced a third-party investigation into the matter and a statement from his spokesperson, MrBeast has been silent about the allegations against him.